Energy Week
Energy Week
186 - Will the Russia & Ukraine conflict send prices soaring?

186 - Will the Russia & Ukraine conflict send prices soaring?

Saudi Arabia expands share in China oil market, Russia lags

Oil could jump to $150 a barrel this quarter on the back of an 'adverse supply shock' from Russia-Ukraine tensions, JPMorgan says
- would need to get 2.3 million bpd of oil off the market to see this jump in Q1
- Is this possible if US and allies impose sanctions?
- Will Russia invade Ukraine? Key is

Oil slumps as Russia-Ukraine tensions, Middle East conflict unsettle traders

Russian crude exports to US highlight risks to Ukraine talks for Biden
- US imported average of over 700,000 bpd from Russia between Jan and Oct 2021

How a Russian-Ukraine conflict might hit global markets

US putting together 'global' strategy to increase gas production if Russia invades Ukraine, officials say
- This isn't very much considering what the US has done in the past

Germany’s Reliance on Russian Gas Limits Europe’s Options in Ukraine Crisis
- Europeans are dependent on Russian gas
- Germany has different opinion of "incursion" and "response" than others
- Want to do business with Russia

European oil refineries exposed as fears of Russia invading Ukraine grow

Don’t believe Putin’s propaganda. Sanctions are hurting Russia.

- If the US bans Russia from the SWIFT system would Russia move to using bitcoin or other crypto-currencies?
- Will it be over in Q1? - Ryan and Ellen think yes!

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Energy Week
Energy Week
Ellen Wald and Ryan Ray discuss the week's events in energy, and what it all means to you.